To open a new account, simply follow these steps:
Step 1 : Visit and click ‘Start Investing’ or 'Create Account'
Or you can download our app via this link
Step 2 : If you proceed via our website, a new page will open where you have to sign up with your email address and mobile number.
If you proceed via the app, please follow below steps :
A. Enter your 10-digit mobile number and you will receive an OTP on your mobile number, enter the same to verify and proceed
B. Once you enter the OTP, you have to create a 6-digit PIN and re-enter it to confirm the same
C. After this, you will be able to login & click on the 'Create Upstox Account' button at the top and proceed ahead.
Step 3: You will receive an OTP on your mobile number and email address for verification.
Step 4: The following documents will be required in the account opening process. Keep them handy (Aadhaar and PAN card) and click on continue.
Step 5: Enter your PAN card number along with your Date of Birth as per the PAN card and click ‘Next’.
Step 6: Enter your 'Personal Details' and click ‘Continue’
Step 7: After clicking on 'Continue', you may be eligible to receive a stock for ₹0.
You can choose to participate in this or not by selecting the relevant options.
Step 8: The next step is to verify your address details
Step 9: Enter your digital signature in the white box.
Step 10: Click ‘Connect your Digilocker with Upstox’ (Aadhaar should be linked with a mobile number). If you connect to Digilocker then you do not have to upload any details. Click on ‘Connect now’.
Step 11: The next screen will ask your permission to allow data sharing with Upstox via Digilocker, click on 'Allow' and 'Proceed'.
Step 12: Here you can see a list where by clicking 'Allow' you provide your consent to allow the application to access your Digilocker. Click on 'Allow'
Step 13: On the next screen you will see a request to allow camera access to capture a live photograph (a requirement mandated by SEBI)
Step 14: Follow the instructions given to submit a proper and clear photo.
Step 15: Take a photo as per the instructions and click on 'Accept'.
Step 16: Before proceeding, check the quality of the photo. If it is blur or unclear, click on 'Retake Photo' and again take a clear photo. If the photo is clear click on 'Continue'.
Step 17: Enter your Bank details
Step 18: The next page will have details on the account opening and brokerage plan benefits
Step 19: You will then see a confirmation of the Brokerage Plan on the next screen
Step 20: Then, on the next screen you will get to select and activate F&O, Currency and Commodity segments. You can skip this or activate it.
Step 21: Then you will see a ‘Nominee Addition’ screen where you can add upto 3 nominees for your Demat Account.
Step 22: Once you click on ‘Add nominee’ you need to fill the nominee details correctly
Step 23: Then you will need to upload identity proof of the nominees
Step 24: In case you wish to add a nominee who is underage, guardian details would be required.
Step 25: You will also need to upload identity proof of the guardian
Step 26: Once you add the nominee details you can check the nominee details summary to reconfirm the information and if it's correct click on ‘Continue’.
Step 27: E-sign your application and you will receive an OTP on your Aadhaar linked mobile number
If you select the eSign option:
You will get the first option to enter OTP sent on a registered mobile number with Upstox.
You will be asked to enter your Aadhaar number, tick the terms & conditions box, and click on Get OTP.
Enter the OTP and complete the process.
Step 28: Once you have successfully completed the Upstox Account Opening process you can also track your application with status. It will take up to 3 days to verify and open your Upstox account.
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